worship in person

in-person worship gatherings at Faith

it's good to see you

We offer in-person worship on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM in our sanctuary space.

The earlier worship gathering includes traditional hymns played on piano or organ; the later gathering includes current praise songs played by Faith's house band. Both services are streamed live via Facebook and YouTube; learn more about church online here.

Dress code is come-as-you-are; some will be in suits and ties or dresses, others will wear shorts and t-shirts. A printed bulletin is available at the entrances to the sanctuary; a digital bulletin is available online too.

updated guidelines for in-person worship gatherings

updated July 2021

As we strive to offer a warm and welcoming environment at our in-person worship gatherings, we've worked with a team of medical professionals, elected officials, church leaders and more to update our guidelines for in-person worship to prioritize the health of friends and neighbors in our community and beyond.

Following the new CDC guidelines, Faith Church will no longer require masks during church activities. We do ask that anyone who is immunocompromised to continue following the guidance of their health care providers as it relates to masking.

Please know: If you are just more comfortable wearing a mask, we invite you to do so. We will continue to provide masks before our worship gatherings if you need one.

Other notes

As always, we ask that anyone who is experiencing a fever, a cough, or other symptoms of COVID-19, flu, or a cold to please stay home. 

Check out our digital bulletin. Keep up with everything going on at Faith online at bellefontefaith.com/bulletin. If you have a question about an event, a ministry, or most anything, stop and chat on Sunday mornings with the friendly folks at the Connection Table in the sanctuary lobby, just outside of the sanctuary doors.

Bring your tithes and offerings. You can place them in a secure offering box available as you enter or exit. You can also place prayer request or other pew cards here before or after worship.

Coffee is available in the sanctuary lobby. You're welcome to bring it into the sanctuary with you!

worship in person or online?

Remember: Worship online IS worship. Where two or more are gathered, Jesus is there . . . and that includes gathering in person AND online.

In fact, we encourage you to stay home and worship online if

  • you have any concerns about returning to in-person worship,
  • you are enjoying online worship with your family and want to continue worshipping with us this way, or
  • if you have a cough, a fever, trouble breathing or do not feel well in any way.