worship with Faith from wherever you are
Our worship gatherings are streamed live Sundays at 8:15 AM and at 10:45 AM via the links below as well as on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. They're available online for one week; sermons from Sunday worship gatherings can be accessed at any time here.
The 8:15 AM service includes traditional hymns played on piano or organ; the 10:45 AM service includes modern worship songs played by Faith's house band.
worship online
Each Sunday, we broadcast both services live online! Click the buttons below to worship with us either on YouTube or Facebook.
worship in person or online?
Remember: Staying home and worshiping online IS worship. Where two or more are gathered, Jesus is there . . . and that includes gathering in person AND online.
In fact, we encourage you to stay home if
- you are enjoying online worship with your family and want to continue worshipping with us this way, or
- if you have a cough, a fever, trouble breathing or do not feel well in any way.