children's groups on Sunday mornings

Sundays | 9:30 - 10:30 AM

Sunday morning groups for kids

On Sundays, kids have three options to learn more about Jesus in fun and active ways. All three meet at Faith Church from 9:30 - 10:30 AM.

The older kids' group for kids in grades 3-8 join Jeff and Ruthi Martin in room 7 for all kinds of fun. They start with a snack and sharing stories about the week. They continue with reading and discussing the Bible, and finish their time with a fun activity and prayer.

The younger kids' group for preschool and young elementary children (pre-kindgergarten through grade 2) learns about God and has fun with Mrs. Heather & Mr. Robert in room 15. They start with a circle of prayer & thanks, then they learn about God's word using The Beginner's Bible and discussing the stories they share. They incorporate coloring/drawing, crafts, songs, and fun play activities, and conclude with a snack. Sometimes they'll watch short "Veggie Tales" clips, songs, and episodes.

Also meeting from 9:30 - 10:30 is children's choir; click the card below to learn more.

have questions?

Reach out to Jeff Pilger, our director of children and youth ministries at or contact the church office between 8 AM and 3 PM, Monday-Friday at 814.355.3358.