followers of Jesus grow in 3 relationships
During his life, Jesus had three main relationships—one with God, one with the people of God (his “church”), and one with those not yet part of the people of God (the world). As followers of Jesus, we're invited to deepen and develop our relationships with God, the Church, and the world.
Each of these relationships are expanded into five rhythms (or patterns of living). Just as healthy relationships are not defined by a to-do list, so also the rhythms are not a list of things you "should be doing." Instead, people follow regular rhythms that deepen and develop their relationships. Here's a collection of rhythms that are present in the life of a healthy follower of Jesus.
There are several one- and two-day workshops available to help you learn and grow in specific rhythms and in the life of Faith Church. All will be held on Sunday afternoons at 2 PM. These include:
Belong: Becoming part of the Faith family
1-day workshop
"Belong" is an introduction to who Faith Church is--our mission and values, and how we function. It's a great way to meet some of the staff and connect with others. We'll meet together for about 2 hours.
Attending Belong is necessary for folks who want to become official members of Faith, but you are welcome to attend without joining.
Design: Finding your God-given purpose
2-day workshop
"Design" is our spiritual gifts workshop--but it's really so much more. Set up to help you discover not just your spiritual gifts but also your passion, talents, availability, and more, this 2-week workshop will help you figure out how God made you and what God made you for. We'll also explore opportunities for how you might live out that purpose today and in the future. Pastor David leads this workshop.
Dwell: Learn how to read the Bible
1-day workshop
If you've never read the Bible or felt like you were doing it "right," this workshop will introduce you to some easy practices to help you. If you're familiar with scripture study, you'll learn some fresh, new ways to allow God's word to direct your life. This workshop is designed to give you tools to better understand the Bible so you can read it and apply it to your life. It will be led by Rich Eckley who is a retired Professor of Theology at Houghton University.
Identity: Be more confident in your own identity
1-day workshop
Becoming more confident in the identity we inherit from Christ is an essential element in trusting God. Jeff Pilger will lead this rhythm workshop on how to navigate the challenging seasons of our lives and strive to engage in the work He has called you to in the church and our culture.
Prayer: Having conversations with God
1-day workshop
The rhythm of prayer is about having conversations with God that overflow into every area of our lives. There are many different models of prayer practiced by Christians and each serves our relationship with God in different ways. Edie Hertzog will guide us through an exploration of different prayer practices that will help us grow in comfort and confidence within our own practices of prayer.
Share: How to talk about your faith
1-day workshop
This workshop is designed to give you the tools to share Jesus with people by telling your own story and sharing the good news. Whether you're new to the faith or a life-long Christian, all are welcome.

You can also ask questions about the Rhythms workshops or the 3 Relationships by contacting Pastor David Carter at 814.355.3358 or